Sunday, January 5, 2014

Could Eliminating Wheat Help You?

I am a firm believer in the latest research on wheat and it's contribution to inflammation which in turn can contribute to autoimmune issues and more. Check out this video from the author of "Wheat Belly" to get an understanding of the basics.

Wheat Belly Video

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gluten Free Devil's Food Cake Mix Review

When I started to realize that wheat gluten was likely the culprit for a multitude of health issues, like most avid bakers would, I started to panic about the absence of my beloved cupcakes.

Certainly, I've explored all of the flour options out there and have become educated about mixing flours and baking for the gluten free diet. Sometimes a mix is just easier and on a rare occasion, cheaper.

One day while spending an endless amount of time in the baking aisle, a favorite place of mine, I found several different boxed gluten-free mixes for brownies, devil's food/chocolate cake, yellow cake and cookies.

I immediately went for the King Arthur Chocolate Cake/Devil's Food first since they make my favorite flour. If you aren't gluten-free, I highly recommend their flour. Well....the cupcakes were good but had an odd texture (a little rubbery is my best explanation) that I had a hard time getting past. I will tell you that the cupcakes were "kid approved" so it is not a bad mix. I would have used it again.

It was when I tried the Betty Crocker version that I realized I had found a little slice of oh my goodness! They bake and taste like the real deal and I doubt any unsuspecting person would know the difference. I was skeptical at first because the batter was so thin. But then I've always been baffled as to why cake mix batter is so runny when mine from scratch is so gloriously thick.

Bottom line....I highly recommend the Betty Crocker version for anyone who is gluten free or is reducing the wheat in their diet after reading the Wheat Belly book.

Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If You Don't Go Big, Don't Go Home

STEP TWO:  Choose an exercise and an eating plan that works for you.

No matter what goal you have set, this thing is likely going to boil down to exercise and eating differently.  Read any health book and you will find that just about everything from muscle aches to allergies to aging to depression to Alzheimer's can be positively affected by exercise and better eating.

Before you really get into getting started, I highly recommend reading the following two books...or at least "20 Years Younger."  They are a great guideline to help you with what you should be eating and doing to reach your specific goals (i.e. reducing cholesterol, preventing diabetes, preventing Alzheimer's, etc).

You are the one who has to do this and stick with it.  You know what motivates and demotivates you.  You know your aches and pains.  You know your limits - the real ones...not the perceived ones.  This is a permanent lifestyle change.  It is not a New Year's resolution or something you do for a few months to fit into a bridesmaid's dress.  The end goal is the change your life for good and possibly prevent some of the nasty diseases that people unfortunately think are "just part of old age."

If a commercial plan works for you to start - say Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers - great!  The only issue is you may not be targeting your specific goal that you have set.  I watched one of the commercials the other day and noticed the parade of wheat products across the screen.  I'll talk about wheat another time but just know that it may cause or contribute to a multitude of health issues and it may actually make you gain weight.  Based on the book, "Wheat Belly" by William Davis, diabetics may want to reduce wheat if they are looking to help control their diabetes.

Once again, I am going to mention to not let the exercise gurus intimidate and demotivate you.  Allow yourself time if you need it but get started.  If you can't go big for some reason, don't go home.

When I decided a change needed to happen, I was constantly fatigued, asthma ridden, allergy ridden, had hip pain, had muscle pain, stomach issues, lacked muscle strength...I felt horrible.  If I was miserable then, what would I be like in 20 years?  I knew it would take a while to make changes because of my personal barriers - lack of energy, lack of time, pain, and inability to do certain things.  That is called facing reality and finding a way to overcome it.  I realize now that lack of time is never an excuse.  A one mile walk used to take me only about 18 minutes.  Now it takes between 14 and 16 minutes depending on the day.  I used to struggle walking up the curbs that were more like ramps.  True story.  Now I attack those curbs with an "I got this" attitude!  And I LOVE to walk.  If I don't get my walk, I'm like a cranky kid.

Here is how I started.  In March/April of 2012, I bought a pair of walking shoes (make sure you do this or you'll have pain if you're not used to exercise) and I started walking a half mile a day.  Some people found my half mile comical and not worth it.  Within one month, I could feel changes in my body and my mindset.  Within a couple months, my asthma improved....a lot.  I went off my asthma medicine as a result and my breathing improved even more and the "moods" lessened - side effects that are sometimes noted for this drug.  I bumped up the walk to a mile a day.  The fatigue started to wane.  The muscle pain started to lessen and then went away.  Some of that I'm sure was due to going off of cholesterol medicine in June 2012 which I never could have done without the exercise and change in eating habits.  I noticed the stomach issues would go away and there was a remarkable difference after my walk.  Come to find out, walking helps the digestive system!  Has your doctor told you that before putting you on medicine?  Of course not.  In late summer, I started taking longer walks, whether they be on the boardwalk (a great motivator) or in my neighborhood.  With the advice of my new doctor, I bought a bike and started riding that to the Farmer's Market and around the neighborhood too to help strengthen additional muscle groups.  Today, in the winter, I walk outside when I can - about 1.25 to 1.45 miles daily.  On bad weather days, I have a manual treadmill I use.  One important thing I've learned along the way...muscle burns fat.  The more muscle you create, the more fat you are going to burn.

Now about my diet.  I don't like vegetables and I'm not a huge fan of cooking.  I'm also well aware that foods that require a lot of prep probably aren't real healthy anyway.  I've always been a big water drinker and I can't emphasize enough how important water is for the body.  You need that water to flush out the fat...there's your motivator if for no other reason.  I drink about 8 big glasses a day at least.  In regard to food, I started by limiting portions and slowly cutting out my daily big bowl of ice cream.  I do make sure I'm not eating foods with a ton of fat or carbs.  I also added in some healthier choices like my daily Chobani yogurt, raspberries, mangos, nuts, and other items noted in the books that would help.  I substituted other things to lessen the ice cream cravings - anything from Skinny Cow to a small amount of chocolate chips.   I now eat mostly chicken and only have beef here and there.  It's not good for cholesterol or my digestive system...period.  Easy change.  Come to find out, not having so much ice cream also reduced water retention and the jelly belly!   Knowing that, I'm not wanting it every day any more.  Another easy change.  I also limit the fattening sauces, bread, wheat products, pasta, etc.

You can find a multitude of recipes that taste great for whatever your goals are.  There are tasty light and wheat free products galore available now!  For me, the only way I could succeed was to "cheat" on occasion and I do.  Typically, I will have a "normal" naughty meal at least once a week and I do have ice cream once or twice...just not the mother-load like I used to eat.  I have no desire to go back on cholesterol medicine nor back to my old weight and that's all of the motivation I need.  If your family doesn't support your efforts, have them cook their own meals or cook them something different.  You are important and this change means they will have you around longer and healthier.  Realize that no one needs those heaping platefuls of food to survive and the change will do them some good too.  After a while, you get used to the lesser portions.

Here's another tip.  When they tell you to eat several smaller meals a day, it works!  I eat my yogurt in the early morning, a "second breakfast" mid-morning, lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and dinner.

I've been doing this for 10 months now and I've gone off of two medications as a result.  My cholesterol is just a few points higher than it was while on medicine.  I have lost 23 pounds so far.  I feel much better mentally and physically.

I cannot emphasize how minimal you need to start to see results.  If you are going to start minimal, you must mentally allow yourself the time.  Start with something that you will keep up and build on.  If a half mile is all you can do right now, that's fine.  If you can only change three meals a week, fine.  Keep building on it.  Need to cheat a little to stay motivated?  Fine but only a little.  Try not to make your goal the weight loss.  If you do, remember that muscle does indeed weigh more than fat so don't get discouraged by the scale.  And again, muscle burns fat.  Note that I had only lost 13 pounds by September and I reached 23 pounds lost in December.

Remember, I'm going on 10 months or so which some would consider a long time for my results.  Here's the thing.  I was able to stay motivated for many reasons.  I can find 20 - 30 minutes a day for non-sweaty, enjoyable exercise.  I eat just fine and I eat all day long and if I want a Frosty once a week, I will get one and it will be the medium or large.  I can feel my hip bones!  I don't feel the jiggle when I walk.  I can breathe without wheezing.  I can wear cute clothing - all of the XLs are going to Goodwill.  I can have a bad day, go for a walk, and feel better within minutes.  I can almost...almost see abs!  I'm saving about $200 per month on prescriptions (cha-ching$$).  I just flat out feel better.  I am just now adding the strength training portion to my lifestyle change...after all of these months.  I joke and say I want the top to match the bottom.  The reality is I want to keep all of my muscles strong as I get older so that I age slower and prevent as many health issues as possible.

You can do this.  You just have to know yourself and do what's comfortable -- not do what the hardcore abs guy tells you to do :).  If you don't go big, don't let anyone tell you to go home.  Celebrate your accomplishments no matter how small someone else may think they are.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Give Yourself a Reason - Make It Important and Attainable

STEP ONE:  Give Yourself a Reason to Make a Lifestyle Change - Make It Important and Attainable

First things first.  Never ever use the "d" word - make a permanent lifestyle change.

As the New Year approached, I found myself cringing every time the "exercise gurus" and weight loss junkies hit the TV with their difficult diet changes and excessive workouts.  In addition, their goal always seemed to be weight loss, weight loss, weight loss.  Now I know weight loss is critical to improving your health but there are other goals that you can measure more quickly and may be more attainable or important to you in the beginning.  And that's the key...the beginning...  Make your initial goals more attainable so that you don't give up.  Let's face it.  We are people and while many of us like a challenge, if the challenge is constant, too time consuming, and too difficult, we will not prevail.

My goal in the beginning had absolutely nothing to do with weight loss and I've lost 23 pounds by default.  True story.  My goals were to get off of asthma medicine, get off of cholesterol medicine, and make sure I'm not any more crippled up than I need to be now and when I get older.  The quick reward if I was successful - two less prescriptions.  Not only did my goal hit my wallet but it improved my health by eliminating muscle pain from the statins (cholesterol medicine side effect) and eliminating temperament issues and breathing issues (yes breathing) caused by the asthma medicine.  Moreover, if I can stay off of the cholesterol medicine, my liver isn't taking a beating and that's important for the future.

Make your goal important and something that will make some difference within two to three months.  Most people would likely stick to a goal if it hits their wallet or means 20 more quality filled years in their life for either themselves or their families.  If you have back issues, joint issues, fatigue, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, are always sick, etc., you have numerous possible great reasons to get started.  Your goal may be as simple as feeling better.  Great!  I can assure you with some simple exercise and minor diet changes, you will feel better in short order.  And the unexpected side effects will be abundant - weight loss, more quality time with family, less time home sick unable to do things, better mental health, etc.

Keep in mind that the "hardcore abs" guy may have an hour or two a day or the funds to do a complete overhaul of his life but odds are that you don't.  Do not let these people or your family and friends discourage you (yes, that happens).  You can start slow and small and get results. Make a goal and make it important.

I'll talk more about how I got started and what I still do daily in another post.  You will be thoroughly surprised and encouraged!

Have a healthy and blessed day!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

About Me

Those who have known me over the last 20 years know that I have not been the healthiest girl.  I've been plagued with asthma, allergies, fatigue, thyroid issues, cholesterol issues, skin cancer, joint issues, muscle issues, and just feeling outright yucky.

At one point, my doctors had me multiple medications.  It was quite the cocktail...and an expensive one at that.

In 20 years, not one doctor (and I've switched often) looked at re-visiting the cholesterol meds.  And even after 20 years of reporting fatigue, no one ever looked at the allergy/asthma combo of meds.  Note:  Singulair - fatigue is listed as a side effect.  And why did no one in all that time hammer me on exercise and diet?

My quality of life had declined significantly.  I would often stay home because of the fatigue. I never felt well whether it be a "cold" or a stomach illness of some kind.  I was sad and life was passing by at an alarming rate.  And then it happened.  My ah-ha moment! there really wasn't a moment.  It was a series of events that basically told me I would have no life and no friends left unless I figured this out and pushed the doctors to DO something.  I began having chest pains, hair loss, severe joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, and more not so fun the age of 41.  I said enough is enough!

I'm reading two books that are must haves if you want to have quality of life - "Younger Next Year" and "20 Years Younger."  You CAN turn around the aging process and prevent a number of issues that most people think are just part of getting old.  They aren't.

So....I'll write posts about where I am today and how I got there by topic.  Where am I today?

I am now on two very inexpensive "necessary" meds.  Yeah...that's it!  I exercise every day and I'm able to go out and do things without being completely disconnected or exhausted.  I found my smile and my inner light again and I can tell by other's reactions it has made a big difference for them too.  And let's not forget all of the weight I've lost!

I want everyone to do this and realize that they can add years to their life and get their happy back!
